The month of December for Sagamok Education was an extremely full and busy one of activities as everyone prepared for the coming Winter Solstice and Christmas season, as well as the much-needed holiday period, allowing Education members to break for two weeks to relax and rejuvenate themselves for the new term.

At Shki Waase-Aaban Binoojiihn Gamik, the Daycare, the following notable events took place: Regularly scheduled Head Lice Checks, Fire Drill and Extinguisher Check, daily learning of Anishinaabemowin language, a visit from Nogdawindamin Knowledge Keepers to talk about the Grandfather Teaching of Truth along with a cultural experience of song and drumming, and in the days leading up to Winter Solstice, a visit from Santa bearing gifts for each child. A Christmas Family Luncheon was hosted by the Daycare, inviting all families to join together to share a meal and enjoy a presentation of Christmas songs and rhymes put on by the young friends at the front of the room. They did an excellent job, evident by the joy and smiles filling the room. The Daycare was decorated for the season all throughout; even the windows had children's crafts displayed, and the room was filled with sparkles of red and white. Every door in the school was decorated with a Christmas/winter theme to which the staff held a friendly competition for families and visitors to vote on. Chi Miigwech to all of the caring, supportive, encouraging staff at the Daycare who plan and implement such beautiful, fun, engaging, and endearing activities and learning opportunities for the young children who attend. Their effort and dedication are applauded.

So many positive things are happening within Sagamok Education to help our community thrive and continue to evolve in a good way while being ever mindful of the ways of Anishinaabe and incorporating language, culture, history, and land-based learning experiences throughout. Chi Miigwech, everyone, for all that you bring to education and for your continued support and love of learning and developing the members of Sagamok.

For more December activities and Christmas celebration articles and pictures, visit the Biidaaban and Life Long Learning Centre news stories.